The Mirror of Emotions” Anti-bullying Exhibition Opened at the Satu Mare County Museum
The Mirror of Emotions” Exhibition at the Satu Mare County Museum An exhibition titled “The Mirror of Emotions”…
The Mirror of Emotions” Exhibition at the Satu Mare County Museum An exhibition titled “The Mirror of Emotions”…
Boxes of Joy for Children: A Charitable Action as Part of the Erasmus+ CREATE Project at “Hám János”…
An Unforgettable Experience in the Erasmus Program “Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in an Erasmus program,…
Challenging, Project-Topic-Bound Activities Awaited 36 Students and 12 Teachers During the Mobility Week Organized by Hám János Roman…
Erasmus+ Project at Hám János High School in Satu Mare. Students from Five Countries Present at the Program…
Liceul Teologic Romano-Catolic ‘Hám János’ CREATE – Care, react, engage, and act tenaciously – for a Healthy World…